Gospel tract testimony

Handed out just a couple in town, felt like a total waste of time, it was raining and noone seemed bothered, and a guy that took one called the pastor at Church the same day and came the next night searching for the truth... Praise God.

Happy Heart

Gospel tract tip of the day

Where to leave tracts TIP of the day: - A great place to leave Gospel tracts: go along to your local library, pray about which books to pick out and sit down with. Open the books and place a Gospel tract in them and put them back. You can easily share the Words of life with 20 or more people that way. SPREAD THE WORD

Gospel tract tip of the day

A few years ago I was in a Sainsbury's cafe with a brother, we left a million euro note on the table there and left. On our way out we looked through the window at where we were sat and there were two members of staff stood there holding the tract up, reading it together. They had in their hands the words of Life!! You NEVER know what the Lord is doing! you can get these Euro tracts here: www.livingwaterseu.com or talk to Jim McMaster for more details. SPREAD THE WORD

Gospel tract testimony

Recently I sent some Gospel tracts to an address in London and not long after I had a text message from a lady wanting to find fellowship. I was able to point her to the person who handed out the tracts and she is now in contact with a local Church. You never know what a tract can do! SPREAD THE WORD

Gospel tract tip of the day

where to leave tracts TIP of the day: - Post Gospel tracts through letterbox. I had an email asking about Haloween tracts this year, i then began to question if they were worthwhile given a lack of visible response over a few years, so I asked the Lord and within 24 hours had a text message off someone who had one pushed through the letterbox - they requested a Bible as a result. You NEVER know what the Lord is doing! SPREAD THE WORD

Another testimony of a Gospel tract

A brother who gives out the Gospel tracts I send him, received this letter recently. Very encouraging.

Please note: this site is not associated with the seventh day adventists. Please pray for this prisoner.

click image to enlarge

Gospel tract tip of the day

where to leave Gospel tracts TIP of the day: - Leave in post offices. I once went to a post office and was waiting in a queue with my young boys in the shop. Before I went in I set them a challenge to place a small pile of tracts somewhere across the day. When I exited the post office, they had placed them all somewhere! inside greeting cards, who knows! SPREAD THE WORD

Gospel tract tip of the day

where to leave Gospel tracts TIP of the day: - Leave in phone boxes. I have gone to leave tracts in phone boxes before and found someone has already placed a scripture. This was an encouragement to me (the very scripture at the very time when I read it for my life), which shows that doing such things work. SPREAD THE WORD

The power of ONE Gospel tract - a testimony

Be encouraged you who labour!
The power of handing out one Gospel tract...
one lady was handed this tract in English then
called me, now it is translated into Romanian
and printed for this lady to hand out.

Contact us for help with your printing needs

what is "mission" and how tracts operate to meet that end?

1. Tracts are the Gospel prayerfully extended from the scriptures: outstretched arms of love where many may never read a Bible, enter a Church or talk with a believer.

2. An uncompromised silent preacher: a bridge from the lost to conversation with (or in addition to contact with) the believer: A 'jigsaw piece' or 'seed' in the Lord's plan of redemption.

3. The words of men are weak and changeable, but the Word of God is powerful and lasts forever.

4. Circumstances can make difficult the message to share, but the tract can be prayerfully transferred in a moment.

5. They work with/for all manner of Christian, bold or fearful, to meet the desires/burden of their hearts: to reach the world, (fulfilling the great commision): strangers, friends and loved ones with the urgent truth of His Gospel.

"When preaching and private talk are not available, you need to have a tract ready . . . Get good striking tracts, or none at all. But a touching gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Therefore, do not go out without your tracts."
- Charles Spurgeon

New Tract available now!

This one can be handed out to everyone, but its aimed at schools and school teachers:

click to enlarge

A MUST watch for anyone

Stories continue to roll in from viewers after watching the pro-life movie ’180′ since it’s release back in September of this year.  Their stories are about people changing from die-hard pro-choice to pro-life within seconds.  The more important stories though are the ones about women deciding to not have an abortion after watching this life changing documentary.  Take the time to watch ’180′ today!

Available now: FREE dvd giveaway of this movie (UK residents only) with every order of Gospel tracts.

Silent preachers: the value of Gospel tracts

sourced from www.puritanfellowship.com

By: Mona Leiter
| www.lakeroadchapel.org

“What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” -Mark 8:36
“Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but through Me.”” -John 14:6
These, and many other portions of truth from the Bible, are the message we are seeking to proclaim to the lost world around us. We communicate these life-giving truths to people by our words and by our actions. The words of men are weak and changeable, but the Word of God is powerful and lasts forever.
How can we best communicate the message of the Glorious Gospel to those around us, especially to those with whom we only come in contact briefly? The God-ordained method of proclaiming the truth of the Scriptures is preaching (1 Corinthians 1:21). Preaching would normally be in the form of a gathering of people, a Bible study, or in a conversation with someone. Tracts should help us to share words of life and truth with the lost people around us. Most of the lost world that we are seeking to reach will never enter a church building to hear the truth proclaimed through preaching from a pulpit. So, we must go to the people with the precious seed of the Gospel!
Gospel tracts, sometimes referred to as « Paper Missionaries » or « Silent Preachers », are very useful to start a conversation about God and eternity and plant a seed of the Gospel. There have been untold millions who have been reached by the message of the Gospel through this method. In my own life I discovered a gospel tract on the ground in the subway system in one of the major cities on the east coast. That gospel tract was one of many things God used to work in my life and to draw me to Himself.
A good gospel tract contains portions of Scripture and an exhortation to the reader to turn to God. The purpose of gospel tracts is not to entertain people but to stir their spirits and challenge their intellect. A tract should not give the wrong message concerning what true Christianity is all about. After all, no one can be tricked into becoming a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. The « new birth » is not signing your name at the end of a gospel tract or a Bible. The goal of every good gospel tract is to show the readers their need of a Savior and to point them to Christ, because one day we will all stand before a Holy God.
If we are truly burdened for those around us, then we will look for ways to reach them for Christ. It is important to be ready to share the gospel any time we are in contact with people, one-on-one or in a group. Since we are planting the seed of the gospel, we may not see many visible results immediately, but we can be certain that God is at work even when we are not aware of it or cannot actually see what He is doing in lives. Gospel tracts are a very good tool to reach students on a university campus, people at a bus stop, walking in the streets, at the bakery, cinema, newsstand, a park, beach, etc. People may read the gospel tracts at the time they receive them or sometimes even much later.
It is good to be reminded that the « Paper Missionaries » or « Silent Preachers » can go on speaking to people long after we have no further contact with them. Even if they are thrown away, someone may later pick them up and read them. The Apostle Paul said, « I might by any means save some. » If Paul had access to the printed page as we do, we can be sure that he would carry his convictions to the full. We should all carry gospel tracts with us everywhere we go and open our eyes to hundreds of opportunities before us, to either give them to an individual or simply leave them behind (phone booth, elevator, bus seat, etc.).
We are called to go and share the good news of forgiveness of sins and eternal life with those around us. It is very easy to distribute Gospel tracts; they are very effective in starting a conversation that leads into the full gospel message. We should use tracts constant and frequently… just because God can use them in lives.
When preaching and private talk are not available, you need to have a tract ready . . . Get good striking tracts, or none at all. But a touching gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Therefore, do not go out without your tracts.
- Charles Spurgeon
If you would be interested in a free sample of good gospel tracts contact us at: http://lakeroadchapel.org

Attitude in reaching the lost...

Go serve your King!

Contact us for FREE Gospel tracts today - 02380 987144 - realanswers@hotmail.co.uk

TIP to share the Gospel

Look up the free magazines or newspapers in your area. Find out how much it costs to get an insert placed. Order 1,000 Gospel tracts (or however many the minimum is for inserts) from www.freetractsource.co.uk and pay for them to be added to the publication. At best 1000 people get to read and ponder eternal things, at worst one person gets to.
I just found a local magazine that will do inserts for £18+VAT per thousand and the minimum is 1,000 to go in the months issue.
They may refuse the leaflet because of the content... but one would have to ask what grounds and if it is descrimination... at best, a landmark case to free others to do it. At worst, publicity on the Christian Insitute and hopefully more people hear the Gospel as a result through secular investigation!

a testimony from a Gospel tract!

A dear sister in Christ shared this with me today and I hope it will bless you and encourage you to keep sharing the message through tracts!

"Jesse Boyd was preaching in Kathmandu yesterday & he was pestered by a Hindu woman who came in his face. Jesse writes: "A woman had been watching the exchange. She approached and with true joy on her face thanked me for my bold words to that Hindu sadhu. She complimented me on my language skills and ability to communicate the Gospel in her language...and thanked us for distributing the tracts and Scripture booklets. She shared how she had picked up a tract at the Mission Hospital in Nepal 20 years ago. She had pondered the Gospel message contained therein for 4 years and then gave her life to Jesus Christ. Her testimony was proof that the distribution of Gospel literature is not in vain though it may appear so. For, the results may not come until years later. We provided this lady with some materials and encouraged her to be a bold witness for Jesus Christ. She was so happy about our preaching, a true encouragement sent from the Lord.""

Download all our tracts at once

After many requests for downloads of the tracts you see at this website. I have now placed all the files together in a zip file, along with some files that should be helpful to people who do witnessing.

You can download the file here:

Right click here and select save as..

If you have any problems downloading this file, please let me know

An Unsaved Person's Perspective of Christians

(James Smith, "The Book You Will Like!" 1859)

I do not believe that you Christians believe your own creed--for if you were persuaded that things really are as your Bibles teach, and that we poor lost people were really going to such a dreadful place as you say Hell is--then you would act more humanely toward us.

If you saw our houses on fire--you would run and help us to put the fire out; or if you saw us in danger of death--you would try to do something to save us. But you pretend to believe that we are going to Hell, and that Hell burns with fire and brimstone forever, and that once there we can never get out--and yet you talk to us about all sorts of things--but never say one word to us about saving our souls from this terrible doom!

So I have reasoned thus: either you Christians don't believe what you say--or else you must be the most hardened and unfeeling wretches in the universe! Now, as I don't believe that you are such cruel, hardened, and unfeeling people as this supposes--then I must conclude that, with all your talk--you Christians don't really believe what your Bibles teach!

For if you really believe what you say about sin, and Hell, and our danger--then you would act differently; and if you have a spark of kindness in your hearts--you would try to save us from such a dreadful doom. And, on the other hand, if you do not believe what you profess--then you Christians cannot be honest; and to say the least, there must be a great deal of hypocrisy among you.

Now, I honestly tell you that these are the things which have stumbled me more than anything, and until I can see you Christians act differently--I will not be persuaded to believe what your sort of folks say.

Do you have a testimony using tracts sent to you from Free tract source?

I would love for you to share a testimony of using a tract sent out to you from Free Tract Source. If anything it would encourage people to use tracts more and also give more praise to the Lord for the great things He has done. please email me your testimonies and I will publish some over time on this website. - realanswers@hotmail.co.uk

important notice for UK people who hand out tracts....

Please be aware that leaving leaflets / flyers or cards on cars can be considered littering, which is an offence under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. You must first seek permission from the land owner of any area you wish to leave such material.

Please note, this is only when placing literature on cars. Please see article on the right regarding leaflets on the streets.

Thanks. Nigel

some quotes regarding tracts....

"When preaching and private tale are not available, 
you need to have a tract ready...get good striking tracts, 
or none at all...therefore, do not go out without your 
tracts." -Charles Spurgeon
"The only way to carry out the Great Commission will 
be by the means of the printed page." 
-Dr. Oswald J. Smith
"Fifty-three percent of all who come to Christ worldwide 
come through the use of printed gospel 
literature." -Joey Hancock
"Nothing surpasses a tract for sowing the seed of 
the Good News." -Billy Graham
Leaving A Tract For A Waitress
Sumner Wemp is a widely known Baptist evangelist 
who has been a steady advocate for the use of Gospel 
Tracts for decades. During one of his trips, Sumner 
had stopped in a restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah 
for lunch. As was his habit, after the waitress took 
his order he shared a Gospel tract with her and politely 
asked her to read it when she had the time. A short time 
later she brought his lunch and then left to wait on a 
few other tables. Later she came by to check on Sumner, 
and she said, "I read your little paper." Sumner said,  
"Great!" "I did not know that," she said. "You did not 
know what?" Sumner asked.
"I did not know that Christ suffered for my sins," she 
said with her eyes full of tears. Sumner’s heart leaped 
for joy, and he quickly said, "Christ really did suffer 
and die for your sins. He took the punishment and paid 
the debt for all we have ever done wrong and
then rose again from the grave. He is alive today, and 
we can know Him personally." Then he carefully explained 
the Gospel and how we are not saved by our works but by 
what Christ did on the cross.
When Sumner asked if the waitress understood what he had 
told her, she said, "Yes, I see that now." He asked her 
if shed wanted to trust Jesus as her Lord and Savior. 
Almost crying now, she decided to Trust in Christ for 
eternal life. She had assurance that now she
was truly saved. She had served Sumner a meal that would 
feed him for a few hours, but he had introduced her to 
the Bread of Life (John 6:35) that would save her for 
eternity— all because he shared a simple Gospel Tract. 
When we Truly care about seeking to save that which is 
lost, we will do ALL that we can to get the Gospel Truth 
into the hands of the lost. This includes doing things as 
simple as leaving a Gospel Tract with a waitress (along 
with a generous tip of course)."