TIP to share the Gospel
Look up the free magazines or newspapers in your
area. Find out how much it costs to get an insert placed. Order 1,000
Gospel tracts (or however many the minimum is for inserts) from www.freetractsource.co.uk
and pay for them to be added to the publication. At best 1000 people
get to read and ponder eternal things, at worst one person gets
I just found a local magazine that will do inserts for £18+VAT per thousand and the minimum is 1,000 to go in the months issue.
They may refuse the leaflet
because of the content... but one would have to ask what grounds and if
it is descrimination... at best, a landmark case to free others to do
it. At worst, publicity on the Christian Insitute and hopefully more
people hear the Gospel as a result through secular investigation!